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The Laboratory of Organizational Psychology of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (NAPS) of Ukraine (prior to 2003 – the Laboratory of psychology of management) is a research laboratory studying the psychological characteristics of functioning and development of organizations.

     Since its foundation in 1993 the Laboratory has been headed by Liudmyla M. Karamushka, correspondence-member of NAPS of Ukraine, Dr of Psychology, professor, merited educator of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists, member of the Coordination Committee of the European Network of Organizational Psychologists (ENOP), member of the Coordination Committee of Division 1 ‘Organizational and Work Psychology’ of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), Ukraine’s national representative in the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP).

The Laboratory staff includes 6 researchers:

1)   Liudmyla M. Karamushka, correspondence-member of NAPS of Ukraine, Dr of Psychology, professor,

2)   Kredentser, Oksana Valeriivna, senior researcher, PhD, assoc. professor;

3)   Kovalchuk, Oleksandr Sergiyovich, researcher, PhD;

4)   Lagodzinska, Valentina Ivanivna, researcher, PhD;

5)   Tereschenko, Kira Volodymirivna, researcher, PhD;

6)   Ivkin, Volodymyr Mykolayovych, junior researcher, PhD (part-time employment);

The Laboratory staff also includes 15 PhD students, doctoral students, and research correspondents.


Main research activities

The Laboratory conducts research and practical work in the field of organizational and economic psychology and develops psychological and managerial technologies to deal with a wide range of problems:

·       Psychological support for organizations’ development;

·       Psychological conditions for change-making in organizations;

·       Team-building in organizations;

·       Psychology of competition and development of organizations’ competitiveness;

·       Psychological foundations of project work in organizations;

·       Psychological determinants of organizational culture development;

·       Psychological foundations of leadership in organizations;

·       Psychological foundations of managerial decision-making;

·       Psychological foundations of business communication, negation and conflict management in organizations;

·       Psychological support of managers’ personal development in organizations;

·       Ethical foundations of managers’ work in organizations;

·       Psychological conditions of personnel’s adaptation and career growth in organizations;

·       Prevention and management of job stress and burnout in organizations;

·       Psychological foundations of personnel’s and managers’ commitment to organizations;

·       Psychological conditions of staff turnover prevention;

·       Psychological support of entrepreneurship;

·       Development of personnel’s entrepreneurial behaviors in organizations;

·       Ethno-psychological aspects of organizations’ functioning.


Main publications

  The Laboratory’s staff and PhD students have had 1500 published works dealing with different aspects of organizational and economic psychology and psychology of management. Among them are:

       à) Monographs – Psychology of Management of Secondary Educational Institutions (L. Karamushka, 2000), Building Competitive Management Teams (L. Karamushka, A. Fil, 2007), Social-Psychological Foundations of Personal Development of Secondary School Managers In Professional Activities (O. Bondarchuk, 2008), The Psychology of Organizations Under Socio Economic Change (L. Karamushka, A. Fil, O. Bondarchuk, A. Fedosova, O. Kovalchuk, O. Kredentser, K. Tereschenko, V. Ivkin, 2008), Social And Psychological Characteristics of Professional Development Motivation of Department of Education Specialists (V. Sych, 2008), Self-Actualization of Managers In Professional And Managerial Activities (L. Karamushka, M. Tkalych, 2009), The Psychology of Conflict Management In Organizations (L. Karamushka, T. Dziuba, 2009), Motivation of Entrepreneurship (L. Karamushka, N. Hudyakova, 2011), The Psychology of Future Managers’ Training In Organizational Change Management (L. Karamushka, M. Moskalov, 2011), The Psychology of Staff’s Organizational Commitment (L. Karamushka, I. Andreeva, 2012), Psychological Foundations of Organizational Development (L. Karamushka, O. Bondarchuk, O. Vynoslavska, V. Ivkin, O. Kovalchuk, O. Kredentser, V. Lahodzinska, K. Tereschenko, O.Fil, 2013), Development of Psychological Readiness of High School Staff To Work Under Socio-Economic Change (L. Karamushka, A. Tolkov, 2013);

          b) Students’ books (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) – Fundamentals of Psychological And Management Counseling (2002), The Psychology of Management (2003), Educational Management (2003), Burnout And Career Development of Employees of Educational Organizations: Gender Aspects (2004, 2006), The Psychology of Educational Management (2004), The Work Technologies of Organizational Psychologists (2005), The Technology of Organization Employees’ Psychological Training To Work Under Social And Economic Change (2008), The Psychology of Organizational Culture (2010), The Technology of Team-Building In Organizations (2011);

          c) Methodological books – The Technology of State Administration Personnel’s Psychological Team-Work Training (2008), Psychological Foundations of Change Management In Educational Organizations (2008), The Technology of Managerial Team Building InEducational Organizations (2008), The Technology of Development ofEducational OrganizationStaff’s Competitiveness (2008) etc;

d) Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Current Issues of Psychology. Ò. ²: Organizational Psychology. Economic Psychology. Social Psychology / Editors S. Maksymenko, L. Karamushka (39 issues).


Researchers’ and academics’ training

       Under the guidance of academician S.D. Maksymenko the Laboratory initiated the registration of a new PhD discipline - 19.00.10 - organizational psychology, economic psychology, as well as the opening of post-graduate and doctoral schools in this specialty at G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine (2004).

        The Laboratory has 43 PhD theses defended by the representatives of educational institutions and other organizations from different cities of Ukraine (Gorlivka, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kamenets-Podilsk, Kerch, Lviv, Nizhin, Odessa, Rivne, Simferopol, Sumy, Chernihiv, Chernovtsy, Uman etc.). Of them 25 theses specialized in 19.00.10 - organizational psychology, economic psychology.


Professional activities

        In 2002 the Laboratory initiated the foundation of the Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists (UAOWP) which in 2005 became a co-founder and a member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) that includes more than 20 European countries. The Laboratory in cooperation with UAOWP sponsored 33 international and national conferences and workshops on organizational and economic psychology in Ukraine and abroad. The Laboratory in cooperation with UAOWP promotes the participation of Ukrainian psychologists in international psychological forums abroad among which were the XIth through XVth European Congresses of Organizational and Work Psychology (Lisbon, 2003, Istanbul, 2005, Stockholm, 2007, Santiago de Compostela, 2009, Maastricht, 2011) and Congresses of Economic Psychology (Prague, 2005, Cologne, 2011, Wroclaw, 2012) and others.


Cooperation with Ukrainian organizations

        The Laboratory of organizational psychology closely cooperates with:

        à) Institutions of higher education:

• Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (Laboratory of psycho-physiological studies) (Dnipropetrovsk);

• Donbas State Technical University (Department of Social Sciences and the Humanities) (Alchevsk);

• Zaporizhia National University (Department of Applied Psychology) (Zaporizhia);

• Kamenets -Podilsk National University named after I.Ohienko (Kamenets-Podilsk);

• Kerch Institute of Economics and Humanities of Tavriisky National University named after V.I. Vernadsky,

• Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University (Department of Psychology) (Kyiv);

• National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing (Kyiv);

• National University ‘Lviv Polytechnics’ (Department of Engineering and Teacher Training) (Lviv);

• Nizhinsky Pedagogical University named after M. Gogol (Nizhyn);

• East-Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl (Department of Psychology) (Lugansk) ;

• Tavriisky National University named after V.I. Vernadsky (Simferopol);

• Uman State Agrarian Academy (Department of Law and Psychology) (Uman);

• University of Economics and Law ‘STEP’ (Kyiv);

• Kharkiv National Technical University ‘KPI’ (Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management) (Kharkiv);

• Chernivtsi National University (Department of Psychology) (Chernivtsi);

• Chernihiv Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko (Chernihiv).

       b) Institutes of Post-graduate Education:

• Kyiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education (Bila Tserkva);

• Sumy Regional Institute of Post-graduate Teacher Education (Sumy);

• University of Educational Management of NAPS of Ukraine (Kyiv);

      c) Centres for Professional refresher training and retraining:

• Kyiv City Center for retraining and refresher training of employees of state bodies, local governments, heads of state enterprises, institutions and organizations (Kyiv);

• Center for retraining and refresher training of employees of state bodies, local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations under Kyiv Regional State Administration (Kyiv);

• Volyn Regional Center for retraining and refresher training of employees of state bodies, local governments, heads of state enterprises, institutions and organizations (Lutsk).


Cooperation with foreign organizations

The Laboratory’sinternational activities include:

·       Cooperation with key international organizations in the field of organizational and economic psychology: a) the European Network of Organizational Psychologists and psychologists work (ENOP); b) European Association of Work and Organizational psychology (EAWOP); c) International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), Division 1 (Work and Organizational Psychology); d) International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP). The main forms of cooperation include work in the Coordinating Committees and issuing newsletters of these organizations, participation in the European Congresses of Organizational and Work psychology, work in the Program and Monitoring Committees, as well as conference expert-reviewer groups, holding joint international seminars and conferences in Ukraine and abroad, etc.;

·       Cooperation with the University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland) and the Polish Association of Organizational Psychologists. The main forms of cooperation included agreement on cooperation (2010), holding 3 joint seminars on organizational psychology (Katowice, 2009, Kyiv, 2010, Katowice, 2012), and edition of the book of conference abstracts and presentations (English);

·       Cooperation with the Baltic Institute of Psychology and Management. The main forms of cooperation included agreement on cooperation (2012), participation in conferences (2009, 2012), preparation of conference abstracts, presentations, and articles;

·       Participation in the ‘Erasmus Mundus’ program initiated by the European Commission to support high quality Master training in Europe that attracts scientists and students from around the world. In March – June, 2010 within the ‘Erasmus Mundus’ program L. Karamushka took part in the first Master training program in organizational and work psychology (Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) initiated by a consortium of the leading European universities: the University of Valencia (Spain) as the coordinating institution, the University of Barcelona (Spain), University René Descartes Paris 5 (France), Alma Mater Studorium, Bologna (Italy), and the University of Coimbra (Portugal);

·       Publication of the English versionsof the newsletters of International Associations of Organizational and Work Psychology: a) Newsletter of the European Network of Organizational Psychologists (ENOP) / Editor: L. Karamushka, b) Newsletterof Division 1 ‘Organizational and Work Psychology’ of the International Association of Applied Psychology / Editors: L. Karamushka, O. Kredentser.


Psychological services

The Laboratory give psychological support to managers and psychologists from organizations and educational institutions on different issues of organizations’ and personnel’s work and development. The Laboratory also take an active part in training managers and psychologists in institutions of higher education (giving lectures on and socio-psychological trainings in various issues of organizational psychology, economic psychology, conflict management, business communication, etc. as well as individual and group counseling).



office 22, Pankivska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine

phone/fax: (044) 288-07-19, 067 953 40 31

Å-mail: LKARAMA01@gmail.com

© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine