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Academic council

The Academic Council of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS Ukraine is created to address the main research issues. It is made up of 27 members including the Director of the Institute, the Deputy Director for research, and the Scientific Secretary who are elected ex officio. The rest of the Academic Council is formed from the heads of the laboratories and other departments of the Institute, the leading specialists of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and representatives of other scientific and educational institutions. The Academic Council is elected for a term of 5 years.

Chairman of the Academic Council is the Director of the Institute, Deputy Chairman is the Deputy Director for research and the Scientific Secretary is the Scientific Secretary of the Institute.

The Academic Council meetings are held as needed, but not less than 10 times a year.

The Academic Council:

- defines strategic activities of the Institute, determines scientific research issues, analyzes and evaluates the results of the research, experimental, methodological, publishing and organizational activities of the Institute;

- considers and approves the annual work plans of the Institute, the thematic and perspective research plans and adopts the research themes and programs;

- discusses the reports about the research results (both intermediate and final) and their implementation in educational and social practice, hear reports of the heads of the Institute departments, considers and adopts the annual reports of the Institute;

- recommends for publication papers prepared by the researchers of the Institute, periodicals, educational, scientific and other works, adopts publication plans based on the results of theoretical and applied research;

- considers matters relevant to researchers’ training, approves topics of Doctoral and PhD theses, appoints scientific advisors and supervisors, provides certification of PhD and Doctoral students, considers formation of Academic Councils and their annual activity reports;

- petitions for conferring the academic titles of Senior Researcher, Professor and other titles;

- nominates for the titles of Corresponding Member of the NAPS of Ukraine, Full member of the NAPS of Ukraine and of other Ukrainian and foreign academies;

- nominates the best scientific works for prizes and awards, nominates staff of the Institute for academic titles, state prizes, government and other awards, scholarships, etc;

- discusses amendments and addenda to the Statute of the Institute, makes decisions about improvement of the structure of the Institute (liquidation and reorganization of its structural units), clarifies the departments’ functions;

- considers the decisions of the Jury about the election of the department and laboratory heads and researchers as well as the Certifying commission decisions about researchers’ certification according to the standing procedure;

- considers different aspects of international scientific cooperation of the Institute.

The Academic Council has the right to adopt decisions if its meeting is attended by at least the two thirds of its members. The decisions of the Academic Council are considered adopted if they are voted for by the majority of its members present, except for the decisions to petition for awarding academic titles when the decisions are considered adopted if voted for by at least the three fourths of the members present. Decisions are taken by open or secret (by decision of the Academic Council) vote. The decisions of the Academic Council shall take effect upon the approval of its meeting’s minutes by the Director of the Institute.

© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine