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Head of Laboratory:Smulson M.L., corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, doctor of psychological science, prof., chief researcher

The laboratory was established in May 1972.on the initiative of academician VM Glushkov and GS Kostiuk based research group in cooperation with the Institute of Cybernetics, USSR Academy of Sciences developed the problem of training nonprofessional computer users. Founder of the laboratory and its permanent head from 1972 to 1995 was Ye.I.Mashbitz(1929-2009), Doctor of Psychology.

Laboratory of New Information Technologies of Education is at the forefront of modern psychology and pedagogy sciences, explores the psychological problems of the design and use of computer learning systems. Laboratory was established in 1972. As a base, it had the research group engaged, together with scholars from Cybernetics Institute AS UkrSSR, in development of the problem of non-professional users training. A series of handbooks intended for this type users was prepared, the programming language ÐßÎÄ created, which became popular both in Ukraine and abroad. The Department conducts a study of psychological and pedagogical problems of instructional systems design and use. The Head of the Department is Marina L. Smulson, D.Sc. in psychology.

The laboratory developed  the concept of instruction as learning activity management. This conception is the core of the new approach to the technology of instruction, it enables eliciting of correlation between the theory and technology of instruction. Specific features of new information technologies of instruction (NITI) were analysed.

The conception of hierarchical NITI design (Ye.I.Mashbitz) was also worked out here. On its basis some experimental instructional systems were developed; prepared were manuals for designers of instructional systems, whatever the system type: 1st generation or hypertext.

The staff of the Department has developed certain tools for instructional systems design, published the manual for teachers on design of hypertext and intelligent instructional systems, and produced the hypertext system for training on text composition.

Main areas of research:

- Psychologyof distance learning and virtual educational environment

- Psychological problems of design and use of computer training systems

- Psychological principles of distance learningeffectiveness

- Study of adult intellectual development in virtual learning space.

During the whole period of its existence, the laboratory investigated research projects:

The laboratory developed the concept of instruction as learning activity management. This conception is the core of the new approach to the technology of instruction, it enables eliciting of correlation between the theory and technology of instruction. Specific features of new information technologies of instruction (NITI) were analysed.

The conception of hierarchical NITI design (Ye.I.Mashbitz) was also worked out here. On its basis some experimental instructional systems were developed; prepared were manuals for designers of instructional systems, whatever the system type: 1st generation or hypertext.

The staff of the Department has developed certain tools for instructional systems design, published the manual for teachers on design of hypertext and intelligent instructional systems, and produced the hypertext system for training on text composition.

In the period 1993-2003 Laboratory developed psychological problems mechanisms of instruction. These mechanisms help to elicit relationships between the computer and students on the level of activity pursued by the student and simulated by the system. We focus our attention on such mechanisms as feedback, farther definition of the learning task, and dynamic distribution of managerial functions between the student and the tutor (computer).

In 2004-2007, Laboratory developed the problem of teacher training for effective use of telecommunications technology in learning activities. Theoretical aspects of the impact of telecommunications networks in the education system, studies the theoretical and methodological foundations of research on teacher training for effective use of telecommunications in the learning process specified educational potential of computer hypertext environment, formed by network technology. Considered psychological principles using the Internet as a means of training teachers, problems of training and counseling teachers in the Internet. According to a study published educational methodical manual.

In 2008, the Laboratory began researching the psychological foundations of learning .

In the years 2008-2011 studied the psychological foundations of learning effectiveness.

In 2009 the Laboratory conducted interdisciplinary scientific-practical conference «Technologies of intellectual activity».

In 2012, the Laboratory of New Information Technologies started a new direction of - the research of adult intellectual development in virtual learning space. Theoretical and methodological analysis and concept development of research conception is conducted in the following main areas: the design of technology development and self-development of intelligence adults and the elderly, identifying psychological mechanisms to improve the quality of life of adults by means of intellectual development in virtual learning space, an analysis of project activity as a factor of intellectual development of adults of Adults virtual learning space, identifying psychological characteristics of group work in virtual learning space and more.

It is conducted on the base of laboratory a series of international scientific conferences online «Virtual educational space: psychological problems», published professional publications and electronic journal "TECHNOLOGIES OF INTELLECT DEVELOPMENT"

The most significant publications of the laboratory (transliteration):

Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 1. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, "Milenium", 2005.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 2. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, "Milenium", 2006. Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 3. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, "Milenium", 2007.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 4. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, "Milenium", 2007.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 5. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, 2008.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 6. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, 2009.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 7. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, 2010.

Psykholohichna teoriya i tekhnolohiya navchannya. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 8. Vypusk 8. Za red. S.D.Maksymenka, M.L.Smulson Kyiv, 2012.

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 1. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2011

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 2. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2011

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 3. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2012

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 4. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2013

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 5. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 6. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014

Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu : elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. T. 1. - # 7. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014

Teoriya i tekhnolohiya proektuvannya navchalnykh system. Zbirnyky naukovykh prats za red. Yu.I.Mashbytsya. Vyp.1-3. Kyiv, 1999-2002


Yu. I. Mashbyts monohrafiya «Psykholohycheskye osnovy upravlenyya uchebnoy deyatelnostyu» (Kyiv, 1987).

Yu. I. Mashbyts monohrafiya «Psykholoho-pedahohycheskye problemy kompyuteryzatsyy obuchenyya» (Moskva, 1988)

Dystantsiyne navchannya: psykholohichni zasady : monohrafiya / [M.L. Smulson, Yu.I. Mashbyts, M.I. Zhaldak ta in.] ; za red. M.L. Smulson. — Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2012

M.L. Smulson  Psykholohiya rozvytku intelektu. – K.: Nora-druk, 2003. – 298 s. (monohrafiya).

Zastosuvannya telekomunikatsiynykh zasobiv u navchalnomu protsesi: psykholoho-pedahohichni aspekty (navchalno-metodychnyy posibnyk) Za red. M.L.Smulson. Kyiv, Pedahohichna dumka, 2008.

E.Y.Mashbyts, V.V.Andryevskaya, E.Yu.Komyssarova. Dyaloh v obuchayushchey systeme. Kyev, 1989 Obrabotka dannûkh s pomoshchyu kompyutera. Pod red. A.A Stohnyya, E.K.Yushchenko, E.Y. Mashbytsa. Kyev, 1991

Osnovy novykh informatsiynykh tekhnolohiy navchannya. Yu.I.Mashbyts, M.L.Smulson, O.Yu.Komissarova ta in. Kyiv, 1997 M.L.Smulson.

Myslennya ta intelekt. Uyava i tvorchist. Psykholohiya. Pidruchnyk dlya vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. Kyiv, 1999.

Proektuvannya hipertekstovykh navchalnykh system. Yu.I.Mashbyts, M.L.Smulson, O.O. Hokun, V.Y.Tsap ta in. Kyiv, 2000.

M.L.Smulson. Psykholohiya rozvytku intelektu. Kyyv, 2001.

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