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Medical and Psychological Crisis Center

In March 2014 the laboratory of consultative psychology and psychotherapy at G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine founded the Crisis Medical-Psychological Center. The Center joined efforts of around two dozens of researchers from various laboratories of the Institute and a dozen of specialists from other organizations who volunteered to work for the Center. Director of the Center is L.I. Lytvynenko, researcher, laboratory of consultative psychology and psychotherapy.

The mission of the Center is provision of immediate psychological assistance to trauma victims and conduct of volunteers' psychohygienic and educational trainings. These are achieved through a wide range of activities: giving support to victims of social disturbances; work with relocated citizens from the Crimea and eastern regions of Ukraine; rehabilitation of the military; counseling and psychotherapeutic work with the wounded and their families; prevention of burnout and emotional traumas in psychologists, volunteers and other helping professionals; development of programs, courses, instruments, guidelines and manuals; psychological education of the population through the media. 


Counselors of the Medical-Psychological Crisis Center

at G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine


1.                . Bezverha, Kateryna S.

2.                . Botina, Liudmyla Yo.

3.                . Boyko, Svitlana T.

4.                . Demchenko, Valentyna M.

5.                . Fedorchuk, Olena I.

6.                . Grebin, Liudmyla O.

7.                . Ivanchenko, Svitlana M.

8.                . Kisarchuk, Zoya G.

9.                . Kisylevska, Viktoria A.

10.           . Kozharova, Liudmyla O.

11.           . Lazos, Helena P.

12.           . Litohina, Anastasia O.

13.           . Lytvynenko, Liudmyla I.

14.           . Naumenko, Olga S.

15.           . Omelchenko, Yanina N.

16.           . Pavlin, Tetyana V.

17.           . Pleskach, Bogdan V.

18.           . Sirenko, Tetyana V.

19.           . Snizhna, Maryna

20.           . Stanishevska, Valentyna M.

21.           . Tokareva, Liudmyla

22.           . Tokhtamysh, Olexander M.

23.           . Tsareno, Liudmyla G. 

24.           . Urkayev, Vadym S.

25.           . Voloshyin, Volodymyr M.

26.           . Voytovych, Maria V.

27.           . Zaretska, Olha I.

28.           . Zhuravliova, Natalia Yu.


Activities of the Medical-Psychological Crisis Center


І. Priority activities:

.. Psychological support for relocated citizens from the Crimea and eastern regions of Ukraine;

.. Psychological support for the Armed Forces personnel;

.. Psychological support for the military wounded and / or traumatized in the anti-terrorist operation;

.. Telephone helpline.


ІІ. Educational and methodological work.Thisincludestraining and psychohygienic work with volunteers as well as development of instruments, guidelines and manuals, in particular:

-                    Thematic workshops and trainings on first psychological aid to victims, dealing with trauma, PTSD, principles and methods of crisis counseling.

-                    Standing support groups for volunteer psychologists, helping professionals and helpline operators.

-                    Balint and supervisory groups for psychologists, counselors and psychotherapists.

-                    the Center has prepared and published the manual 'Psychological Help To Trauma Victims’'


In2015 the Medical-Psychological Crisis Center published one of the first manuals on psychological help to trauma victims in Ukraine:

Психологічна допомога постраждалим внаслідок кризових травматичних подій:методичний посібник / З. Г. Кісарчук, Я. М. Омельченко, Г. П. Лазос, Л. І. Литвиненко… Л. Г. Царенко; за ред. З. Г. Кісарчук. – К. : ТОВ “Видавництво“Логос”. – с.


VolounteercounselorswhoworkfortheMedical-PsychologicalRehabilitationCenterattheInstitute of Labor Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine:

1.                . Botina, Liudmyla Yo.

2.                . Boyko, Svitlana T.

3.                . Fedorchuk, Olena I.

4.                . Grebin, Liudmyla O.

5.                . Lazos, Helena P.

6.                . Lytvynenko, Liudmyla I.

7.                . Naumenko, Olga S.

8.                . Omelchenko, Yanina N.

9.                . Snizhna, Maryna

10.           . Voloshyn, Volodymyr M.

11.           . Voytovych, Maria V.

12.           . Zaretska, Olha I.

13.           . Zhuravliova, Natalia Yu.

14.            Muzychuk, Olena O.

© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine