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The Laboratory was established in autumn 1995. It was headed by Zoia Grygorivna Kisarchuk, PhD, senior researcher, who has been leading the Laboratory since then. The Laboratory has ten researchers: Y.M. Omelchenko, leading researcher; senior researchers G.P. Lazos and L.A. Grebin; researchers L.I. Lytvynenko, N.Y. Zhuravlyova, T.S. Gurleva, B.V. Pleskach, and O.I. Yermusevych; junior researchers I.A. Danilevsky and V.S. Urkayev.

The Laboratory staff work in following three areas: research of theoretical, methodological and methodical aspects of counseling psychology and psychotherapy; practical work in psychological diagnostics, counseling, therapy, effectiveness training, personal growth training etc.; sharing of scientific and practical experience using lectures, seminars, and training courses.

The Laboratory research work is done in the context of contemporary social and cultural space in which psychological support is rendered to Ukrainian clients. The Laboratory research interests are determined by the developments in the field of psychological counseling in society: on the one hand, by the rapidly growing request for and expanding practice of psychotherapeutic and counseling services, and on the other, by the fact that the psychotherapeutic and counseling practices have no adequate theoretical-methodological and methodical support.

One of the key ideas of the Laboratory studies is the use of the powerful potential of modern psychotherapeutic techniques and methods in the area of Ukrainian psychotherapy based on: a) knowledge of important trends in the formation of the modern paradigm of psychological aid; b) understanding of the philosophical-methodological and historical and cultural foundations of the existing psychotherapeutic techniques; c) determination of the socio-cultural factors in the development of theory and practice of psychotherapy in Ukraine as well as their adequate consideration in applying certain psychotherapeutic methods and techniques.

In 1996-1999 the Laboratory worked on a complex research project ‘Theoretical and Methodological Issues of Practicing Psychologists’ Work.’ The research aimed at clarifying and developing topical theoretical and methodological issues of practicing psychologists’ work in different social and psychological spheres, as well as at providing scientific and methodological support in their training and different professional activities (monitoring and psycho-diagnostics, psychological counseling, psychotherapy, etc.).

The research findings were published in:

Praktychna psyhologiya: teoriya, metodi, tehnologiyi. Materialy naukovogo seminaru 9-10 chervnya 1997 r. — K., 1997 (Applied psychology: theory, methods, technologies. Materials of a scientific seminar, 9-10 June, 1997 - K., 1997);

Praktychna psyhologiya v konteksti kultur / Vidp. red. Z. G. Kisarchuk. — K., 1998 (Applied psychology in the context of cultures / Chief ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. - K., 1998);

Psyhologichna dopomoga simyi : posibnyk / Za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk — K., 1998. (Psychological help to families: manual / Ed. Z.G.  Kisarchuk - K., 1998) and others.

From 2000 to 2004 the Laboratory performed the research project ‘Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Individual and Family Counseling and Psychotherapy.’ The objective of the project was development of theoretical and methodological principles and technologies for individual and family counseling and psychotherapy in today's society.

The research findings were published in:

Aktualni problemy psyhologii. T.3. Konsultativna psihologiya i psihoterapiya : Zb. Naukovih prats Instytutu psyhologiyi im. G.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayini / za red. S. D. Maksimenka, Z. G. Kisarchuk. — Vip. 1, 2, 3. — K., 2002 r., 2003 r., 2005, (Currentissues ofpsychology. V.3. Counseling psychology and psychotherapy: Coll. of scientific papers of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / ed. S.D. Maksymenko, Z.G.  Kisarchuk. - Vol. 1, 2, 3. - K., 2002, 2003, 2005);

Metodologiya i metody praktychnoyi psyhologiyi. Materialy kruglogo stolu. Za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. — zh. «Praktychna psyhologiya i sotsialna robota», ¹ 2, 3, 4, 6. , 2002. (Methodologyandmethodsofappliedpsychology. Materials of roundtable. Ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. – Journal of Applied psychology and social work, ¹ 2, 3, 4, 6, 2002);

Psyhologichna dopomoga simyi. Knygy 1-3. Navchalnyi posibnyk (u 3-h knigah). Za zag. red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. — K., 2006 (Psychological help to families. Books 1-3. Manual (in 3 books). Ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. - K., 2006).

In 2005, the Laboratory launched a new project ‘Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological aid to individuals in their personal development.’ The project largely continued previous research, although, it focused on psychotherapy and counseling as the promoters of personal development of individuals.

The results of the research appeared in Aktualni problemy psyhologii. T.3. Konsultatyvna psyhologiya i psyhoterapiya : Zb. Naukovyh prats Instytutu psyhologiyi im. G.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayini / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, Z.G. Kisarchuk. — Vyp. 4, 5, 6. — K., 2007 r., 2008 r., 2009. (Currentissues ofpsychology. V.3. Counseling psychology and psychotherapy: Coll. of scientific papers of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / ed. S.D. Maksymenko, Z.G. Kisarchuk. - Vol. 4, 5, 6 - K., 2007, 2008, 2009).

From 2008 to 2011 the Laboratory did the research project ‘Social and Cultural Factors of the Development of the Modern Paradigm of Psychological Aid to the Individual.’ The aim of the research was determining the main trends in the formation of the modern paradigm of psychological aid to the individual as well as the socio-cultural factors that contribute to this process in Ukraine.

The research results appeared in:

Aktualni problemy psyhologii. T.3. Konsultatyvna psyhologiya i psyhoterapiya : Zb. Naukovyh prats Instytutu psyhologiyi im. G.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayini / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, Z.G. Kisarchuk. — Vyp. 7, 8. — K., 2010, 2011 (Current issues of psychology. V.3. Counseling psychology and psychotherapy: Coll. of scientific papers of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / ed. S.D. Maksymenko, Z.G. Kisarchuk. - Vol. 7, 8. - K., 2010, 2011);

Sotsiokulturni chynnyki stanovlennya suchasnoyi paradigmy psyhoterapevtychnoyi dopomogy osobystosti: monografiya / [Z.G. Kisarchuk, L.O. Grebin, T.S. Gurlyeva ta in…] ; za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. Kirovograd, 2012 (Social and cultural factors in the modern paradigm of psychological aid to the individual: Monograph / [S.G. Kisarchuk, L.O. Grebin, T.S. Gurlyeva et al.] ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. Kirovograd, 2012);

Metodychni rekomendatsiyi schodo vrahuvannya sotsiokulturnyh chynnykiv v teoriyi ta praktytsi psyhoterapevtychnoyi dopomogy osobystosti / [za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk] Kirovograd, 2013 (Guidelines to incorporate socio-cultural factors in the theory and practice of psychological aid to the individual / [ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk] Kirovohrad, 2013).

In the 2012-2014 the Laboratory worked on the research project ‘The Theory and Application of Modern Approaches to Psychotherapy in Ukrainian  Socio-Cultural Conditions.’ The aim of the study was finding out the theoretical and methodological principles of application of modern psychotherapeutic methods and techniques in Ukrainian socio-cultural environment and development of appropriate psychotherapeutic technologies and counseling.

The research results were published in:

Aktualni problemy psyhologiyi. T.3. Konsultatyvna psyhologiya i psyhoterapiya : Zbirnyk naukovyh prats Instytutu psyhologiyi imeni G.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini / za red. Maksymenka S.D. — Vip. 9, 10, — K., 2013, 2014 (Current issues of psychology. V.3. Coujselingy psychology and psychotherapy: Scientific Papers of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine / ed. S.D. Maksymenko - Vol. 9, 10 - K., 2013, 2014);

Teoriya i tehnologiyi zastosuvannya suchasnyh pidhodiv do psyhoterapiyi u vitchyznyanyh sotsiokulturnyh umovah: monografiya / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Y.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos… B.V. Pleskach; za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. — K. — Kirovograd. 2014 (Theory and application technologies of modern approaches to psychotherapy in Ukrainian socio-cultural conditions: monograph / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Y.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos ... B.V. Pleskach; ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. - K - Bucharest. 2014).

Currently, the laboratory staff are working on the research project ‘Characteristics of Therapist-Client Relations in Today's Socio-Cultural Environment.’ Given the social importance of the research issue, the researchers are exploring the characteristics of the psychotherapeutic space and the relations between the therapist and clients who suffered from riots, information pressure, the loss of the loved ones, forced relocation, participation in hostilities, war wounds, etc.


Main publications

1. Sotsiokulturni chynnyki stanovlennya suchasnoyi paradigmy psyhoterapevtychnoyi dopomogy osobystosti: monografiya / [Z.G. Kisarchuk, L.O. Grebin, T.S. Gurlyeva ta in…] ; za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. Kirovograd, 2012. – 276 s. (Social and cultural factors in the modern paradigm of psychological aid to the individual: Monograph / [S.G. Kisarchuk, L.O. Grebin, T.S. Gurlyeva et al.] eds. Z.G. Kisarchuk. Kirovograd, 2012. – 276 p);

2. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi schodo vrahuvannya sotsiokulturnyh chynnykiv v teoriyi ta praktytsi psyhoterapevtychnoyi dopomogy osobystosti / [za red. Z. G. Kisarchuk] Kirovograd, 2013 (Guidelines to incorporate socio-cultural factors in the theory and practice of psychological aid to the individual / [ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk] Kirovohrad, 2013. – 215 p.);

3. Teoriya i tehnologiyi zastosuvannya suchasnyh pidhodiv do psyhoterapiyi u vitchyznyanyh sotsiokulturnyh umovah: monografiya / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Y.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos… B.V. Pleskach; za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. — K. — Kirovograd. 2014. – 248 s. (Theory and application technologies of modern approaches to psychotherapy in Ukrainian socio-cultural conditions: monograph / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Y.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos ... B.V. Pleskach; ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. - K - Bucharest. 2014 – 248 p.);

4. Psyhologichna dopomoga postrazhdalym vnaslidok kryzovyh travmatychnyh podii : metodychnyi  posibnyk / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Y.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos, L.I. Lytvynenko … L.G. TSarenko; za red. Z.G. Kisarchuk. — K. : TOV «Vidavnytstvo «Logos». — 207 s. (Psychological aid to victims of traumatic crisis events: a handbook / Z.G. Kisarchuk, Y.M. Omelchenko, G.P. Lazos, L.I. Lytvynenko … L.D. Tsarenko; ed. Z.G. Kisarchuk. - K. ‘Publisher’ Logos’’. - 207 p.).



Room 30, 2, Pankivsa str., Kyiv, Ukraine

e-mail: labpsychotherapy@gmail.com

© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine