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The laboratory of psychodiagnostics and scientific psychological information was founded 5th of January 2015 through joining two laboratories: the laboratory of Scientific Psychological Information and the laboratory of psychodiagnostics. Each of these laboratories has its own history.

The Laboratory of Scientific Psychological Information was founded in 1991 in H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine (Initially the name of the laboratory was Informational Publishing and Patent Department).

         For the period from 1991 till 1995 the Laboratory was headed by candidate of psychological sciences Svitlana P. Tishchenko.

Since 1995 the head of the Laboratory has been Valeriia V. Andriievska, candidate of psychological sciences, senior scientific associate.

The main concepts of scientific activity of the laboratory of scientific psychological information were:

·             the issue concerning the reflection of psychological knowledge in the categorical mechanism and the modern Ukrainian psychology term system in order to improve, enrich and modernize Ukrainian term system as consistent with the latest progress of world science.

·             the main characteristics of professional speech of a psychologist-scientist  psychologist-teacher and psychologist-practician are: the peculiarities of composing a scientific text by a psychologist, the peculiarities of professional communication of a psychologist with respondents and persons taking part in experimental research; facilitative functions of speech of a psychologist-teacher; specificity of speech of a psychologist-practician (in the course of psychological consulting and  psychotherapy counseling).

·             the problems of communicative transformation competence of psychologists in the informational society, particularly in the process of their professional activity in virtual space.

The laboratory of psychodiagnostics was established in 1975. Its founder and initial head was Yurii Zinoviyovych Hilbukh, doctor of  psychological sciences, professor (1928-2000), one of the founders of modern psychodiagnostics in Ukraine. For the period from 1995 till 2014 the Laboratory was headed by candidate of psychological sciences Svitlana Anatoliivna Honcharenko.

The laboratory studied methodological, theoretical and practical issues connected with the formation of new texts, adapting famous conventional techniques, providing diagnostics of various children and adults demographics and implementation of psychodiagnostics into the school working practice. Precisely in the laboratory of psychodiagnostics was proved the need of establishment at schools such position as a school psychologist. Particular attention is given to the development of special schedules and educational complexes, which teachers and school psychologists could use in their practice with different categories of children. The laboratory of psychodiagnostics initiated and conducted the large-scale experiment regarding differential training of children, which comprised hundreds of schools in Ukraine, Russia, Belorussia, Moldova.

Over the last years the employees of the laboratory studied the changes occured in personal development of contemporary children under the influence of information computer technologies and elaborated diagnostic complexes, which could allow practitioners to estimate in time undesirable derivations in cognitive development of children and youth.  Especially on the basis of analysis results concerning 25-year monitoring of children’s intellectual development, it was proven, that information computer technologies had changed the main criteria of cognitive capabilities of children, that influenced directly their tempo and quality of perception and digestion of teaching information. The complexes of diagnostic, intervention and development techniques (which are able: to estimate pupils’ actual and potential development (intellectual, mental); stimulate the enlargement the area of skills development in the process of education, unrevealed potential abilities of pupils) were elaborated. Conceptual approaches concerning determination of potential capabilities of children were offered.

The main efforts of the staff of the laboratory of psychodiagnostics and scientific psychological information in the course of scientific and research activity are aimed at the development of the ways and directions regarding improvement of psychological culture of  educators. The issues under review:

-         psychological peculiarities of  children of different categories suffered from the armed conflict (the children, whose parents died or were injured during the ATO; the children of preschool and secondary education institutionslocated in the zone of military actions; the children of displaced persons and so on.

-         the peculiarities of the process of provision of psychological support under the conditions of armed conflict;

-         the components of psychological culture of educators concerning the efficiency to work with different categories of children and adults (with the children – displaced persons; with the children, whose parents died or were injured during the ATO; the children of preschool and secondary education institutionslocated in the zone of military actions and so on;

-         the peculiarities of  the impact of modern informational products on a personality under  the conditions of psychological information aggression;

-         the peculiarities of components of psychological culture of educators working in crisis centers;

-         the peculiarities of educational discourse in the context  of informational society;

-         the theoretical structure of the notion “information-psychological culture” is under investigation;

-         the peculiarities of formation of informational competence as a part of psychological culture of a future psychologist in the process of professional training.

The significant aspect of activity of the laboratory relates to the dictionaries and reference books composing, preparative work before printing of Scientific Notes of H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine as well as elaborating recommendations and offeringadvice to the authors on the points dealing with culture of Ukrainian scientific psychological speech.

© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine