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The Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality was created at the base of a former laboratory of psychology of upbringing established in 1962, which was headed for many years by Oleksandra Ilinichna Zhavoronko, PhD. in Pedagogical Sciences. Important issues of psychology of upbringing were studied under her leadership, such as: “Impact of literature on child's personality development” (Rubtsova T.V.) “Aesthetic education of students” (Vasilieva A.S.); “Formation of adolescents’ moral ideals” (Tishchenko S.P.); “Psychological characteristics of adolescents prone to delinquency” (Dranischeva E.I.); “Psychological conditions of development of adolescent’s self-control” (Boryshevskiy M.I.); “Gender education of students and their preparation for family life” (Zhavoronko O.I.).

Miroslav Iosypovych Boryshevskyyheaded the laboratory in 1973. Later, the laboratory of psychology of upbringing was renamed into the laboratory of psychology of personality, and then it obtained its current name “Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality”.

The next main themes were studied comprehensively in the laboratory over the past two decades under the direction of M.Io. Boryshevskkiy, Doctor of Psychology, professor, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, which are belong to fundamental, theoretical, experimental and applied researches: “Psychological characteristics of adolescents’ self-consciousness”; “Development of personal moral convictions”; “Psychological conditions of students’ self-activity during educational activities”; “Psychological objective laws of development of person’s civic awareness and self-awareness”; "Psychological objective laws of personal civic orientations”; "Psychological objective laws of formation and development of personality spiritual dimensions”.

Since May 2014, the laboratory is headed by Liudmila Zakharivna Serdyuk, Doctor of Psychology, professor.

The laboratory researches issues of psychological foundations of personality development. The laboratory scientists investigate personality self-determined processes, including development of personality self-activities, formation of a spiritual dimension, civic awareness and self-awareness, mechanisms of personality self-development, self-improvement, self-creation and self-realization.

The laboratory has 9 colleagues having their own scientific themes:

Liudmyla Zakharivna Serdiuk, Doctor of Psychology, professor:“Psychological and pedagogical foundations of self-creation of a personality”

Tetiana Mykolaivna Yablonska, Doctor of Psychology, senior researcher: “Age and individual psychological characteristics of person’s structural and functional self-improvement”

Olena Ivanivna Penkova, Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher: “Psychological characteristics of formation of self-improvement for a child’s personality in a system of family-related values and relationships”

Natalia Dmytrivna Volodarskaya, Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher: "Worldview orientations as a determinant of personality self-creation“

Lyubov Ivanivna Pylypenko: “Personality self-creation as a condition for self-realisation in interpersonal relationships and activities”  

Vyacheslav Volodymyrovych Antonenko : “Personality self-creation as a determinant for understanding of moral and aesthetic ideals and humanistic self-expression”

The laboratory comprises a research group led by Maria TrofymivnaDryhus,Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher; the theme of its study is: “Psychological mechanisms of formation of student’s personal effectiveness in ontogenetic terms”.

Maria TrofymivnaDryhus,Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher:“Theoretical and methodological principles of psychological mechanisms of a personality”

Natalia Ivanivna Musiyaka,Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher:“Evaluativeattitudes as a mechanism of student’s personal effectiveness”.

Iryna Viktorivna Yavorska-Vetrova,Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher:"Reflexivity as a mechanism of student’s personal effectiveness”.

Major objectives of the laboratory are to develop and introduce new effective psychological techniques for formation and development of personal potentials of people, their life goals, perspectives, values ​​that determine their course to the future and satisfaction by the present on the base of revealing of essential forces of self-fulfilment and psychological well-being. After all, requirements and challenges of the contemporary society necessitate thorough psychological investigation of psychological foundations of self-determination of personality development, an ability to initiate own development, to disclose a personality potential that is the source and the cause of self-determined behaviour.


Areas of researches:

·        Psychological objective laws of development of person’s civic awareness and self-awareness;

·        Psychological objective laws of personal civic orientations;

·        Psychological objective laws of formation and development of personality spiritual dimensions;

·        Psychological and pedagogical foundations of self-creation of personality.


The laboratory collaborates with the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Fedkovych National University in Chernivtsi, Kamenetz-Podolsk National Pedagogical University, Kherson State University, Korolenko State Pedagogical University in Poltava, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University in Luhansk, Makarenko State Pedagogical University in Sumy, Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University in Ternopil, Research Centre for students’ gender education and training of NAPS of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute in Kremenets, Khmelnitsky Humanitarian Pedagogical University and others.

Major published works of the laboratory:

Виховання духовності особистості (Education of person’s spirituality)/ М. Й. Боришевський, О.І. Пенькова, Н.Д. Володарська, та ін. За загальною редакцією М. Й. Боришевського (M. Io. Boryshevskiy, O.I. Penkova, N.D. Volodarska, and others. Edited by M. Io. Boryshevskiy). – Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД, 2013. – 104 с.

Становлення особистості школярів з різними навчальними досягненнями в онтогенетичному просторі : монографія (Formation of personality of students with different educational achievements in the ontogenetic space: monograph / за ред. М. Т. Дригус (edited by M.T. Dryhus) – Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД, 2013. – 154 с.

Сердюк Л. З. (Serdiuk L.Z.) Психологія мотивації учіння майбутніх фахівців: системно-синергетичний підхід : [монографія] (Psychology of learning motivation of future specialists: the system synergetic approach: [monograph]) / Л. З. Сердюк. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2012. – 323 с.

Сердюк Л. З. (Serdiyuk L.Z.) Сучасні синергетичні тенденції мотивації учіння майбутніх фахівців (Modern synergetic approaches to learning motivation of future specialists) / Л. З. Сердюк// Вісник Національного університету оборони України. Зб. наук. Праць. – К.: НУОУ, 2014. – Вип. 3(40). – с. 316-320.

Сердюк Л. З. (SerdiukL.Z.)  Особистісний модус самореалізації майбутніх фахівців (Person’s modus of self-fulfilment of future professionals) / Л. З. Сердюк// Вісник післядипломної освіти: зб. наук. пр./ Ун-т. менедж. освіти НАПН України; редкол.: О. Л. Ануфрієва [та ін.]. – Вип. 10(23)/ голов. ред. В. В. Олійник. – К.:АТОПОЛ, 2014. – С. 239-248.

Дригус М. Т. (M.T. Dryhus) До проблеми становлення особистісної ефективності вчителя (ретроспективний аспект (Issuesofpersonalteachereffectivenessdevelopment(retrospectiveaspect) / Актуальні проблеми психології: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. – Том ХІІ, 16 (15). – С. 121-128.

Пенькова О.І. (PenkovaO.I.) Цінності як умова морального становлення особистості (Values​​asaconditionofpersons’ moraldevelopment) / О.І. Пенькова // Актуальні проблеми практичної психології [зб. наук. праць / ред. кол. І.В. Шапошникова, Н.І. Тавровецька та ін..], - Херсон: ПП Вишемирський В.С., 2014. – С. 158-166.

Пенькова О.І. (PenkovaO.I.)  Динаміка процесу самовдосконалення особистості у сімейному спілкуванні(Dynamics of self-improvement during family communication)/ О.І. Пенькова // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка (4). – С.107-118.

Тetiana Yablonska. Family Factors of Person’s Identity Development during Adolescence and Early Adulthood / Social Welfare. Interdisciplinary Approach, 2013 – №3(2). – C.30-40.

Яворська-Вєтрова І. В. (Yavorska-Vetrova I.V.) Експериментальне вивчення модальності уявлень про самих себе молодших школярів з різними навчальними досягненнями як показника становлення їх особистісної ефективності (Experimental study of modality of ideas about themselves of younger schoolchildren with different educational achievements as an indicator of personality effectiveness formation)/ І. В. Яворська-Вєтрова // Проблеми загальної та педагогічної психології: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. – Том 15, част. 2 (15). – С. 232-241.


             Ukraine, 01033, Kyiv-33, Pankivska str, 2.

Kostyik Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine of. 34.


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