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(Founded in 1975)


Issues in laboratory focus are related to fields of psychophysiology, industrial and organizational psychology, developmental psychology and physiology.

A new research area of systematic study of psychophysiological state of a person and psychophysiological supply of different activity types has been established at the laboratory. This approach is basis for appearance of new methods and instruments of evaluation, control, regulation of human psychophysiological state upon solving problems of industrial and organizational psychology, educational and developmental psychology, special conditions activities engineering psychology, human factors and ergonomics.


Areas of laboratory focus are:

- development of theoretical and methodological basis of practical algorithms psychophysiological supply ofall stages of professional development of modern specialist based on idea of a person as integral biopsyhosocial system.

Therefore,   further developments were held (formulations were made):

- development of the basic principles, content and direction of psychophysiological supply of professional formation;

- definition of psychological and psychophysiological features of all professional formation stages in various professional occupations;

• identifying psychological and psychophysiological key factors and determinants of professional evolvement;

• development of measures and practical recommendations on psycho-physiological supply of development of professional evolvement;

• development of theoretical, methodological and practical principles of remote professional psychological diagnosis;

• development of computerized diagnostic expert systems solving practical problems of professional selection and psychological and psychophysiological support of professional activity.

In 2013 - 2015 laboratory performs fundamental research "Psychophysiological patterns of individual professional self-fulfillment". The study determined the content of professional self-fulfillment phenomenon, its components, characteristics, forms and methods; methods, methodological tools and phenomenon study algorithm have been validated.

Features of professional self-fulfillment in socially significant groups of occupations (education, medicine, psychology, law, engineering, operating, creative, service sector, etc.) are being empirically validated.



Laboratory includes 16 researchers who are currently working on the following issues:

• common psychological and physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns in different occupations (Kokun O.)

• creative abilities development of experts, psychophysiological professional self-fulfillment states structure (Klimenko V.)

• physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns in occupations related to complex motor activity (Malhzov O.)

• professional communicative skill; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of higher education lecturers (Korniyaka O.)

• development of professional  psychomotor properties; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of research scientist (Kruzheva T.)

• development of self-regulation, endurance and stamina of specialists; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of music school teachers (SereginY.)

• neurodynamic peculiarities of professional formation; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of kindergarten teachers(Zavadskaya T.)

• cogitation and ideation properties development of specialists; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of  trade unions employees (Bolotnikova I.)

•        psychophysiological professional self-fulfillment  patterns of academic scientists (Gumeniuk G.)

• professional motivation and orientation development of specialists; psychophysiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of doctors and programmers(Panasenko N.)

• emotional sphere development of specialists; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of managers (Dzvonyk G.)

• conflict competence development of specialists; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of educational psychologists(Voytovych M.)

• physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of civil (public) servants (Darda I.)

• attention development of specialists; physiological professional self-fulfillment patterns of  subject teacher (Savchenko T.)

• professional deformation of a personality prevention; professional self-actualization and self-identity (Homonyuk V.)

• Factors interfering individual professional self-fulfillment(Gorbachov V.)



• Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;

• The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University;

• Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University;

• Nizhyn Gogol State University;

•Gregory Skovoroda State Pedagogical University of Pereyaslav-Hmelnytsky;

• State Agency of Science, Innovations and Informativeness of Ukraine;

• Forces of Ukraine Scientific Research Centre of humanitarian problems;

• Kyiv-Pechersk Lyceum ¹ 171 “Leader”.

Recent major publications:

·        Psyhophysiological maintenance of specialist's becoming in the professions'  type of "persons-persons": monography / Ed. O.M. Kokun. - Kirovograd: Imeks-LTD, 2013. - 266 p. http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1646/

·        Klimenko        V.V. Psychophysiological mechanisms of human praxis. K.: Publishing House "Word", 2013. - 640 p.

·        Kokun O.M. Psychology of modern specialist’ professional  realization. Monography. - "Inform.-analit. Agency", 2012. - 200 p. http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1651/

·        Diagnosis of psychological readiness of military personnel of military service under contract to the activities of peacekeeping units: Ed. O.M.. Kokun, 2011. - 153 p.

·        Malhazov O.R. Psychology of work: a manual.  Centre textbooks, 2010. - 180 p.

·        Psychophysiological preparedness of students to teaching activities: Monography / Ed. O.M. Kokun. Teacher opinion, 2008. - 296 p. http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1607/


Laboratory Contacts:

Ukraine, 01033, Kyiv - 33,  Pankivska Street, 2?  G.S. Kostyuk Psychological Institute, room ¹2.



© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine